Native Junkie was born late 2017, where founder Holly Agnew, had come up with the perfectly balanced healing balm made from hemp oils, native botanicals & plant extracts.
Her first two batches, made in the kitchen of her parents house bus.. went down a treat with friends and family. Healing eczema, relieving pain, easing nappy rash, great for tattoo aftercare and so many other problems.
Through connecting with like minded individuals, hemp industry experts & naturopaths, Hollys discovery of a unique Cannabis Terpenes profile was the golden ticket to later evolve into a never seen before, Hemp Terpene & Native Botanical skin-care line.
Holly Agnew began her journey as a Ranger for New Zealand’s Department of Conservation (DOC) well over 15 years ago. Where she gained vast knowledge and respect of our Native heritage & plant medicine practices.
After a return to study later in life, Holly learned about the immense impact of HEMP within the textile industry. Holding a degree in fashion design and technology, it became her mission to advocate for a more sustainable future through the projects she took on.
Having gained skills from various industries including hospitality, conservation, film and fashion design, all arrows pointed towards working with and creating plant based medicines and hemp alternatives.
HEMP cleans our rivers, enriches our soils and freshens our air; it can clothe us, shelter us and feed us… above all, it is the most ancient medicine known to man.
Native Junkie is passionate about bringing their cutsomers the highest grade holistic skin & health care products. To not only improve our quality of our lives but to commit to improving the quality of our direct environment, for us and our future generations to come.

NATIVE - Relates to the connection we all share with planet earth - Te taiao
JUNKIE - Represents the need and absolute fundamental basis on honouring and committing to Papatūānuku - to look after her as she does us.
Together, we as a team can push Hemp back in to the leading resource we as humans utilise on this planet.
Heal our People, Save our Planet!